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женских гениталий

На кого подписаться: Инстаграм The Vulva Gallery о красоте
женских гениталий — Жизнь на Wonderzine

Акварельные портреты в просветительском проекте

ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ РАССКАЗЫВАТЬ о достойных аккаунтах в соцсетях, через которые можно рассматривать целый мир.

Хильде Аталанта из Амстердама зарабатывает иллюстрацией, но помимо коммерческих проектов занимается художественным активизмом — ведёт инстаграм The Vulva Gallery о красоте и разнообразии женских половых органов. На сайте проекта Аталанта объясняет, что её очень тревожит бум лабиопластики — косметических пластических операций по «улучшению» внешнего вида половых губ. «Ни один человек, обладающий вульвой, не должен проходить через операции, чтобы сделать свою вульву похожей на то, что мы видим в интернете (например, в порно), или подогнать свои половые органы под ожидания других людей», — говорит Хильде, подчёркивая, что нереалистичные представления о том, как должны выглядеть вульвы, заставляют девушек рисковать своим здоровьем и сексуальностью.

В инстаграме Аталанта выкладывает трогательные акварельные портреты самых разных вульв — тёмных, розовых, с длинными, короткими или асимметричными половыми губами, волосатых или гладко выбритых, — попутно объясняя, что женские половые органы могут быть очень разными и это нормально. Картинки можно приобрести на сайте The Vulva Gallery, как и значки с логотипом блога — хитрой кошкой, в которой не сразу можно разглядеть вульву.

✨All vulvas are awesome ✨Whether your labia are long, tiny, curly, wavy, brown or pink - they are all awesome. Never feel embarrassed about the way your vulva looks. There are so many different shapes and sizes! In the vulva depicted here, you can see the skin from the clitoral hood (covering up the tip of the clitoris underneath). The skin of the clitoral hood can vary in length, and all lengths are perfectly fine and nothing to worry about. All variations are part of the great natural diversity 🌿 Every body is different, and there are so many possibilities - this makes your vulva uniquely beautiful ✨ Love yourself, and love your vulva, because all vulvas are awesome just the way they are 💛✨ #thevulvagallery #vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #respecteachother #genderequality #bodylove #genderinclusivity #humananatomy #empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

Did you know that pubic hair has some real benefits? Besides that it offers a natural barrier to keep things clean (protection from viruses and bacteria from outside), it also protects the tender skin underneath and helps to control the moisture of the skin (thereby decreasing the chances of yeast infection and skin damage). And finally, it's an extension of our senses: at the bottom of each hair follicle, there is a nerve ending. When you brush through your hair, every little hair sends sensation through the hair to the nerve ending. So besides that pubic hair looks cute, it can give you pleasure too! 🙌🏽💛 Love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are 💕✨ #thevulvagallery #vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #loveyourself #labia #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #bodyhair #hairpositive #loveyourself #youarebeautiful #loveyourvulva #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

The popular media give us many different reasons not to love our bodies. They point out that we're not 'perfect'; we're chubby, we're not feminine enough, we shouldn't have stretch marks, cellulite and body hair. Periods are something we should hide and avoid talking about. While all these things are perfectly natural and a part of daily life 🌿 So I think it's time for change. Share experiences, show that we are beautiful just as we are. With our beautiful chubby bellies, cellulite, stretch marks - thick and thin, dark and light skin, hairy or smooth bodies. We shouldn't strive for one perfect body type, but applaud the fact that there's so much diversity! 👏🏻👏🏽👏🏿 That's what makes us so interesting, the fact that no body is the same. Our bellies, butts, legs, chests; we're all different and unique in our own way. Let's celebrate this diversity. Respect each other's bodies and focus on what we ARE and what we CAN instead of the negatives 🙌🏾 Love yourself. And love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are 💛✨ #thevulvagallery #vulvas #vulvaart #respecteachother #genderequality #bodylove #genderinclusivity #humananatomy #stretchmarks #cellulite #chubby #cutebelly #empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #youarebeautiful #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

Labia come in all kinds of colours. Some labia are pink, others are brown, reddish or purplish - and often it's a combination of colours (for example pink on the inside of the vulva, but darker on the external skin). Sometimes the colour of the labia is the same as the rest of someone's skin, but often they are lighter or darker. Those are all natural variations, and they are nothing to be worried or ashamed about. Love yourself, and love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are! 💛✨ #thevulvagallery #vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #respecteachother #genderequality #bodylove #genderinclusivity #positivity #humananatomy #empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

Inner labia vary extensively in shape and size. In half of all vulvas, the inner labia are longer than the outer labia. They stick out a little or a lot; this can vary from half an inch up to 3-4 inches (or more). Often, one of the labia is longer than the other. In the vulva depicted here, the skin of the clitoral hood is visible, 'hugging' the tip and the shaft of the clitoris 💕 All variations in shape and size are part of the natural diversity and nothing to worry about! Love your vulva, because all vulvas are awesome just the way they are 💛✨ #thevulvagallery #vulvaart #labiaart #clitoris #humananatomy #labia #biology #genderinclusivity #positivity #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodypositiveart #selflove #loveyourself #bodylove #bodyhair #pubichair #youarebeautiful #loveyourvulva #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)

✨⛰ The mons pubis ⛰✨ The mons pubis (or: mons Venus) is the hill at the front side of the vulva, covering the pubic bone (you can feel the bone underneath the soft tissue if you press on it). The mons pubis divides into the labia majora on either side of the furrow known as the pudendal cleft. The size of the mons pubis varies with the level of hormone and body fat. The fatty tissue of the mons pubis is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of puberty. The mons pubis often becomes less prominent as you age, due to the decrease in bodily estrogen during menopause. The name 'mons Venus' is a reference to the Roman goddess of love, Venus 💕 Whether your mons pubis is small or chubby, round or flat -  never feel ashamed about how it looks, because there are so many shapes, sizes and variations! There is no 'good' or 'bad' in natural diversity. Love yourself - and love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are! 💛✨ #thevulvagallery #vulvas #vulvaart #respecteachother #genderequality #freethevulva #bodylove #genderinclusivity #humananatomy #empowerment #bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #watercolor #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #loveyourself #hildeatalanta

Публикация от The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery)


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