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СпортНа кого подписаться: Честные фотографии в фитнес-блоге Cары Пухто

На кого подписаться: Честные фотографии в фитнес-блоге Cары Пухто — Спорт на Wonderzine

Любовь к фитнесу не означает погоню за глянцевыми стандартами

ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ РАССКАЗЫВАТЬ о достойных аккаунтах в соцсетях, через которые можно рассматривать целый мир.

Каждый из нас хотя бы однажды пытался найти удачный ракурс для селфи, и в этом нет ничего зазорного. Но, подписываясь на странички фитнес-гуру и моделей, важно помнить, что фото в соцсетях далеко не всегда показывают реальную картину. В своем инстаграме этот вопрос поднимает фитнес-блогер Сара Пухто. Двадцатилетняя финка публикует фото при удачном освещении и в «выгодных» позах рядом с расслабленными снимками без втянутого живота, фотографируется до и после праздничного застолья и напоминает, что пресловутого идеала не существует.

У девушки сбалансированный веганский рацион, она регулярно занимается спортом и следит за изменениями своего тела, оставаясь бодипозитивной. Сара пишет: «В мире, где все боготворят ягодицы сестёр Кардашьян, нужно помнить, что фото в медиа не всегда соответствуют действительности». Своими снимками спортсменка показывает, что цифры на весах не отражают реальной физической формы, и советует девушкам и парням не воспринимать чужие слова и действия как цель, которой непременно нужно достичь: сжечь жир, накачать мышцы, стать стройнее. По мнению Сары, каждому стоит определять свои собственные задачи и развивать здоровое отношение к телесности.

20 hour transformation photo 😁🌿 Since it's the day after thanksgiving I thought it'd be appropriate to share this photo 😬 The first photo was taken yesterday morning after working out, the second was at night after eating a whole bunch of food with my whole tummy relaxed and the third was this morning again after working out 🏋🏻 I've posted a photo like this before but I just wanted to remind you that it's normal for your stomach to get bigger after large meals and that our bodies don't look the same throughout the day! I know I get pretty bloated looking after I eat a lot and that used to really upset me because I thought there was something wrong with me and that nobody else's tummy looked like this after eating but I realised its just not shown or talked about a lot. So I just wanted to show what my relaxed food baby tummy looks like compared to my empty, post workout tummy. I'm learning to love my body in ALL its forms, not just when it looks lean and toned because I know I don't look like that all day. It's time for me to love and appreciate the body I have and stop striving for "perfection" ☺️ Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving, got some delicious food in and spent quality time with your family and friends!! 🌴☀️

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

Standing up vs sitting down 😬🌿 I've used to hate having fat rolls and always thought they'd go away completely if I exercised and got less fat on my tummy. But recently I've realised they're not a thing that's gonna go away, and I'm so fine with that! Yes I could eat healthy 24/7 and workout in a way that would get rid of it. But what's the point? I love the way I eat and train now, so what's the point of changing what makes me happy to get rid of some extra fat? It's just rolls of skin with fat and I NEED that little layer! It would be unrealistic if I had 0% body fat on my body! So I just wanted to share what my body looks like when I sit down to show that I also got these rolls, muffin top (whatever you wanna call it 😁) and I'm not afraid to hide them 🙌🏼 Hope you all have a lovely day today, and happy #friyay 🌴☀️

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

Transformation Tuesday 🏋🏻🌿 So this is a bit of a different transformation, I'll call it a de-progress photo (I know it's not a real word I just couldn't think of a real, better word that fit 😂). So this isn't the progress I thought I'd have in 7 months, I thought I'd have more muscle but would have kept the same leanness as in the first photo 🙈 But that's not how life works sometimes, I've been eating more and treating myself to more treats than usual. Which I think is okay! Yes I was a bit frustrated with myself for getting more arm/back fat at first, but you know what, that's life. This is a fitness journey, I didn't start working out to get a quick fix, I workout because it makes me feel amazing and I probably will keep working out for the rest of my life. So there won't always be progress every month, sometimes I'll have bad months where I gain a bit of fat and don't get any progress in certain areas of my body and that's okay! My back and arms have always been the hardest for me to train because I have had scoliosis surgery and can't lift as much as most people do. Also it's the place for me where I gain most of my fat, but that's not gonna stop me from trying! 💪🏼 I'm going to use this as motivation to eat cleaner, lift heavier and not skip my arm days 😁😂 This for some reason is really scary for me to share so please don't be too harsh. I just wanted to be real with you guys and show that a fitness journey isn't always smooth sailing with progress every month, we're only human and have ups and downs which is okay!! I hope you guys have a lovely Tuesday! 🌴☀️

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

NOT A TRANSFORMATION PHOTO 🤔 These photos were taken 2 hours apart and I'm flexing the same way in both photos. Don't you hate changing room lighting? I went to try on clothes the other day and hated what I saw in the mirror because of the angle of the light. Instead of looking at all my flaws and feeling bad about what I saw, I decided to do a comparison of changing room lighting vs the lighting at home that I'm used to! As you can see it's pretty different! So next time you're out and you come across some 💩 lighting, just remember you don't look like that, everyone has bad angles in certain lighting. If you feel good in what you're trying on then buy it, you'll look amazing! Don't let that bad lighting get you down!! 💕

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

Transformation photo? 🤔 These photos were taken on the same day. First one after working out and the other after eating dinner, dessert and drinking a bunch of tea. I'm showing this because I've had a weird day with body image today. From feeling super lean to feeling large and unattractive. I think I've just been stalking too many Instagram athlete models wishing I had their bodies but I need to remember that bodies change throughout the day and nobody has abs or a six pack the whole day and obviously those photos would be taken from angles that show all their hard work so I can't compare my body to theirs. Also it's normal to look a little bit bloated after having large meals and liquids. So here's me lookin a little pregnant with ma satisfied full tummy out 😬 And it's okay cause I know it'll be back down tomorrow and I'll have a new day to focus on my goals and not beat myself up over being a little full. Food is meant to fuel you, not make you upset ☺️. #bbg #bbg2 #bbggirls #bbgsisters #bbgcommunity #bbgfinland #bbgvegan #vegan #vegansofig #bodyimage #bloating #realtalk #motivation #inspired #transformation #vegangains #veganfitness #sweatwithkayla #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #bbgtransformation #bbgfam #bbgmotivation #bbgsupport

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)

Left: May 2016. Right: November 2016. SCREW THE SCALE 🙅🏼 STRONG NOT SKINNY 🌿 On the left I was at my almost lowest weight during my fitness journey and was so close to my goal weight (50kg). I was happy I was close to my goal weight but was annoyed that I was gaining weight because I was gaining muscle. I didn't know that this was a thing that would happen back then and as a result I would over exercise because I thought this would help me lose weight and bring me closer to my goal weight. But instead it left me fatigued throughout the whole day. I worked out 1-2 hours everyday, mostly cardio, to try lose extra kgs and as a result would end up eating more vegan junk food because the amount of good food I was eating didn't make up for the amount of calories I burnt during my hour long workouts. It took me many months to realise I was over exercising but I eventually was able to slowly cut down. I now workout 30-45 minutes, mostly weightlifting (sometimes an hour if my body feels like it) and eat a good amount of food where I no longer feel the need to eat crazy amounts of junk food. I do still treat myself but not to the extent of borderline binging. I finally feel like I have a good balance with working out and eating and as a result love the way my body looks because I feel so happy. I know some of you will prefer my body on the left but it doesn't matter to me because that's not when I was the happiest, and that's what really matters to me. What I'm trying to say, as I've said in posts before, don't strive for a certain goal weight or perfection, it'll make you do silly things. Just go by how your body feels and you'll find an amazing balance that'll make you happy 🙌🏼 Also this fitness journey has ups and downs so don't get upset if you have bad weeks or months. It's not all about seeing progress every month, sometimes there are bumps in the road where you lose progress and that's okay! Just remember it's a marathon not a sprint 💕 #screwthescale #strongnotskinny #overexercise

Фото опубликовано Sara Puhto (@saggysara)


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