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НовостиGrimes выпустила клип «Venus Fly» в духе киберфутуризма

Видео с участием самой Grimes и Жанель Монэ можно целиком посмотреть на Tidal

Надежда и опора современной поп-музыки Grimes выпустила клип на трек «Venus Fly» из своего альбома «Art Angels». Новое видео, как и все предыдущие, Grimes придумала и срежиссировала сама. В «Venus Fly» канадская певица и соавтор трека Жанель Монэ предстали в образах киберфутуристичных космических принцесс с огненными мечами и головокружительными причёсками.

Премьера видео состоялась на Tidal, где подписчики могут посмотреть видео целиком. Фрагмент клипа певица выложила в инстаграм:

#TidalXVenusfly ::::: streaming exclusively on Tidal Feb 2 :::::: ----------------------- sometimes it feels futile to be making art in this cruel and extreme political climate, but some of the brightest moments of the last few months for me and for a lot of you, i suspect, have come from seeing @janellemonae 's amazing and positive vision of the future, especially when we are being introduced to so many possible dystopian futures. Thanks to for giving so much time, energy and creativity to this project 👁👁👁 as a director editor, creative director i also feel like is my strongest work, and i can't wait to share w y'all. thanks @tidal for being amazing patrons of the arts!! and @route_eleven !🤘🏻my amazing team! (i know i just used amazing twice but woke up and my mind is devoid of adjectives at this early hour)------------> forgot to add earlier #femthefuture

Видео опубликовано Grimezsz (@grimes)

#TidalXVenusfly ::::: streaming exclusively on Tidal Feb 2 :::::: ----------------------- sometimes it feels futile to be making art in this cruel and extreme political climate, but some of the brightest moments of the last few months for me and for a lot of you, i suspect, have come from seeing @janellemonae 's amazing and positive vision of the future, especially when we are being introduced to so many possible dystopian futures. Thanks to for giving so much time, energy and creativity to this project 👁👁👁 as a director editor, creative director i also feel like is my strongest work, and i can't wait to share w y'all. thanks @tidal for being amazing patrons of the arts. and @route_eleven !🤘🏻my amazing team! (i know i used amazing twice but i just woke up and my mind is devoid of adjectives rn) a teaser is available in my next post :)

Фото опубликовано Grimezsz (@grimes)


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