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КрасотаНа кого подписаться: Акне-позитивная блогер София Гран

На кого подписаться: Акне-позитивная блогер София Гран — Красота на Wonderzine

Её инстаграм посвящён моде, макияжу и не только

ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ РАССКАЗЫВАТЬ о достойных аккаунтах в соцсетях, через которые можно рассматривать целый мир.

Блогер София Гран посвятила свой инстаграм теме акне, о котором она знает не понаслышке. Девушка открыто рассказывает о своей борьбе с воспалениями и восприятии себя, а также делится духоподъёмными постами и учит быть собой несмотря ни на что. София рассказывает, например, что раньше могла чувствовать ненависть к себе и своей коже, боялась внимания окружающих, испытывала боль из-за воспалений и не могла спать. В 2018 году во время обострения акне она столкнулась с депрессией, но благодаря бодипозитивному движению в соцсетях ей стало легче принимать свою кожу. Сегодня блогер делится бьюти-тьюториалами и идеями для макияжа, в которых не скрывает следов от воспалений, а также многочисленными портретными фотосессиями, чествуя красоту лица с акне. Гран уточняет, что не планирует удалять оставшиеся шрамы. «Мне и так хорошо», — говорит блогер.

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Posting a picture with visible acne should not be a big deal. Showing up in the real world without covering up your skin condition should not be a big deal.⁣ ⁣ I remember the times when I would notice people staring at my skin. One time it was at the gym, I was walking on the treadmill. By this time my skin was at the hight of severity, there was no way to cover it up so I was forced to go without makeup.⁣ ⁣ I saw this teenager on the treadmill looking right at me. When you notice someone observing your skin condition a whirlwind of emotions fills your body. But for me shame has always been the most prominent one. You feel exposed, ashamed and most of the times I just want to remove myself from the situation. It takes a lot of mental energy to try to navigate what approach you should have to someone staring.⁣ ⁣ This one particular time I had it in me to look up and meet their eyes. As we looked at each other I think I saw some level of embarrassment in the person next to me and I decided to just smile gently and then returned to my browsing my playlist as I walked on.⁣ ⁣ I used to hold onto a lot of resentment towards people staring at my acne flares. As I’ve tapped into this further I’ve started to let go of that resentment. More so I try to remember that we live in an airbrushed reality. The ways that we’ve come to edit our lives and appearance has crept its way into our everyday lives in the most sly way. In the matter of a few seconds you can blur your skin texture and your acne flares can become less visible via a filter on Snapchat.⁣ ⁣ Even if it makes me uncomfortable, I can’t blame anyone for being caught off guard actually seeing a version of real skin in reality when so much of our reality online has been warped into a airbrushed version. I don’t blame individuals, I blame structures. ⁣ ⁣ So maybe it is a big statement to post a picture of your acne, it shouldn’t have to be, but it is. . #normalizeacne #acnepositivity #effyourbeautystandards

Публикация от Sofia Grahn (@isotretinoinwiths)

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Salt stings open wounds so this evening (and every other these days) tears are caught into a towel before they get the chance to travel down my face. Crying had become an activity to be organized in the most pain free way possible. I damned my skin that I couldn’t even cry in peace.⁣ ⁣ Ice packs against my cheeks. “Remember, try to lie on your back or else you won’t be able to sleep”⁣ ⁣ 2 am⁣ A flinch. I whimper. Waking up from the pain of turning my cheek to my pillow.⁣ ⁣ “Something is stuck to my skin” The pillow case stuck to a patch of my skin. Like peeling off a band aid. A stained white pillow case of thrown into the laundry bin.⁣ ⁣ Trying not too widen my mouth too much as I eat. A rip, and something is running down my face again. It’s blood, not tears this time. “I better go get paper towels”⁣ ⁣ The day proceeds⁣ “Is this person looking at me?”⁣ “Gotta fix my hair to cover my face”⁣ “Oh, fuck someone wants me to be in a photo”⁣ “Oh no, please don’t approach me to sell your skincare, I just want to buy my concealer and leave”⁣ ”Ouch”⁣ ⁣ “I hate myself”⁣ “It hurts, it itches”⁣ “Maybe if I lean my face on my hands they won’t notice”⁣ “I am disgusting”⁣ “I can’t get out of bed”⁣ “I don’t wanna leave the house”⁣ ”People have it worse, I should just get over it”⁣ “Did my cyst just burst?”⁣ ⁣ “I gotta cancel meeting up with friends”⁣ “I don’t deserve love or joy”⁣ “Just look down at the sink while washing your hands and you won’t see your reflection”⁣ “When will it end?”⁣ “If one pimple makes her feel ugly, than what does that make me?”⁣ “Maybe these products will help”⁣ “I can’t do this anymore”⁣ ⁣ “Don’t look at me”⁣ “Don’t look at me”⁣ #acneawareness ❤️

Публикация от Sofia Grahn (@isotretinoinwiths)

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Oh my oh my, poor girl. Share your best tips to help us fix her. She must want our help, how could she not. . Oh my oh my, what happened to her sweet face? She must be discontent, how could she not. . Oh my oh my, submit your best advice to not end up like her. Could you imagine? Beware and behold a stellar example of undeniable undesirability . Oh my oh my, spoiled, ruined, flawed, surely there’s something wrong with that girl. How should we go about to fix her? Could it be her gut? Could it be her diet? Discuss down below in the comments . Oh my oh my, she must want our help, how could she not. Have you seen her face? How could she ever be content with what she’s got? . #skinpositivity #acneawareness #unsolicitedadvice #acnepositivity #acne #acnescars #skinneutrality #acnepositive #skinpositive #effyourbeautystandards

Публикация от Sofia Grahn (@isotretinoinwiths)

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