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КрасотаНа кого подписаться: Фотопроект о шрамах Behind the scars

На кого подписаться: Фотопроект о шрамах Behind the scars — Красота на Wonderzine

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Фотограф из Британии Софи Майанн — автор фотопроекта Behind the scars, для которого она снимает портреты и собирает рассказы людей со шрамами самого разного происхождения. Конечно, фокус не только на теле: в порой очень непростых историях о селфхарме, мастэктомии, ожогах, полученных в детстве травмах раскрываются темы преодоления сложностей и принятия себя. Всё, как мы любим. В фотографиях Софи нет никакой драмы — люди на её снимках чаще улыбаются и не стесняются позировать, чем наоборот. В скором времени фотограф приступит к созданию новой серии о жителях Нью-Йорка, и следить за появлениями новых героев можно в её инстаграме.

#behindthescars Iris “I’ve become the strong and independent woman I am today because of my Mum, and because of what happened. It has all been a part of my journey. It started when I was 5 months old - whilst taking a nap, a fire started next to my bed and I lost two fingers. It took one year of recovery at the hospital, and 25 years to accept it. I went through awkward handshakes and looks, children’s whispers and hiding it at all costs - which meant always using my other hand. Because of what happened, my Mum raised a fighter who is not afraid of who she is anymore. I am not going to hide it, although it still hurts when I move my hand and it is sometimes a mental struggle to fully accept it." // I'm currently crowd funding to take the project to NYC! Link in bio

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

Just found this video on Facebook about #behindthescars - thankyou @culturacolectiva

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

#behindthescars Hannah "My body is a merry-go-round of scars - new ones arrive, choose a pitch and nest amongst the constellation etched into my skin. In time, some will fade until I can’t even remember the first time I pressed my finger to puckered flesh and welcomed them to the gang. There are self-harm scars that go back further than I care to remember, some so faint I forget that they’re there until a fluorescent changing room light flickers them into view, others stark with mottled tissue. There are skin biopsy bubbles, surgery scars and a tapestry of tokens from happy drunken mishaps that I will never forget. It’s a canvas that, by and large, I have come to accept, laugh at and learn from. The deepest layer of scarring, however, always been the trickiest to tame. The scars that ripple across my body are an unexchangeable gift from an autoimmune disease called morphea. The nature of the disease means my skin will probably never stop acquiring these new buddies; instead, they’ll come and go in shades of “fuck you”. There are old bruises slowly fading into a web on my stomach from the first two bouts, calcified white patches that are reaching fever pitch and shiny lesions that have only just stirred. If they were static I’m sure I’d be further along in learning to love all of the skin I’m in, but their tempestuous nature makes them hard to ignore. Some days they are so sensitive a brush of fabric can send shivers down my spine and showering has turned into an odd dance I never fancied learning - jumping from sensitivity to hot water, then cold water and then to scrubbing. Although - with a little push and an attempt to see them from a true outsiders perspective - I am learning to love each one as they arrive. They are a part of me: each freckle, mole, scar, tattoo, bruise, and lesion is threaded into the rainbow suit of skin I’m in. So, I’m going to embrace each new stripe because they are a reminder of every battle I’ve fought in this body. As I collect new scars, I will learn to navigate each and every evolution as it arises. " @hannahshewanstevens

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

There's 50 days to go, and still £917 to raise! Kickstarter is based on "all or nothing approach" - meaning if the goal isn't reached, NYC doesn't happen! I hate asking people for things, and I especially hate asking for money. I don't earn much from my photography work at the moment and I have put my heart and soul into this project, and really want to take it to NYC! Since starting the series, I've had a number of people get in touch from the States wishing to be involved, and sadly at this point of time I've had to turn them away - until I can get there! So if you could please spare just £1 to support the Kickstarter it would be HUGELY appreciated. (There's 36k of you here so if as many of you as poss put £1 in, we'd be there in minutes!) I know a few people have got in touch saying they can't afford too support the project at the moment, but that's OK too - as just sharing the link is a huge help! Click the link in the bio to back the project / find out more info. Pictured is @fauxnandes #behindthescars Sophie x

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

Can you help me take #behindthescars to NYC? Click the link in my bio to make it happen!

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

#behindthescars Sina "Two years ago I had an accident in Thailand. I went on a bike tour on a mountain to a lake. The road went downhill. The breaks on my bike stopped working, but I was going too fast to get off the bike. I was going about 60km/h until I hit the barrier with my shoulder and fell down next to the slope near the road. The ambulance couldn't get there because it was in the middle of nowhere, so they took me to the hospital in a truck. It took about 2-3 h to get to the hospital where I had surgery . The wounds are completely healed now, but I still notice some disabilities whilst doing sports. After the accident I was really mad that I had to fly back to Germany, stop my traveling and thought the healing process was going too slow. But now I think I am so blessed that nothing more happened to me." @_norasina photographed in Berlin.

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

Natasha for #behindthescars - scroll further down the page to read her story in full. @onbecomingnatasha photographed in London, UK

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)

#behindthescars Josh "My wrist and back scars are from a holiday over Christmas and New Years in Bali. I got very drunk and slipped on some mud. When I slipped, a bottle smashed and a big piece of glass ended up in my wrist. I pulled it out, threw some vodka in it and then went out. My back scar is from when I was on a pool bar ledge having a dance and slipped, hit the edge of the pool and split my back open. Unfortunately after that I couldn't get back into the pool. The scar on my side is from a kidney operation when I was 21. I was misdiagnosed for years so had a long time of being messed around by Doctors and Surgeons. Once I had the operation I was excited to be feeling healthy again, but it didn't work. This led to 2 years of procedures and constantly being in hospital. It was quite demoralising at the time, but now I am healthy I really value what I have." My good friend @joshtuckley photographed in London, UK

Публикация от SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne)


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