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ЗдоровьеНа кого подписаться: Инстаграм инструктора йоги Джессамин Стэнли

Американка, разрушающая стереотип о внешности инструктора йоги

На кого подписаться: Инстаграм инструктора йоги Джессамин Стэнли — Здоровье на Wonderzine

ПРОДОЛЖАЕМ РАССКАЗЫВАТЬ о достойных аккаунтах в соцсетях, через которые можно рассматривать целый мир. 

Американка Джессамин Стэнли называет себя энтузиастом йоги и — дословно — «толстой женщиной». От других инструкторов йоги девушка действительно отличается размером — сама Стэнли это понимает и не стесняется обсуждать отношение к полным людям в современных спортзалах. В интервью блогу The Cut она подтвердила, что стереотип об инструкторе йоги — это белая стройная молодая женщина — действительно широко распространен и настолько не вяжется с ее обликом, что новые подопечные всем видом выражают сомнение в ее пластичности и силе (правда, как говорит Стэнли, к концу занятий все умирают от усталости и все предубеждения улетучиваются). 

Стэнли начала заниматься дома во многом из-за того, что к полным людям в фитнес-клубах отношение действительно особенное — и со стороны других тренирующихся, и со стороны тренеров. По ее словам, большие люди просто хотят потренироваться на совесть и уйти домой, зачастую им не нужно пристальное внимание тренеров и уж тем более группы. Поразмыслив, Стэнли решила, что комфортнее ей будет заниматься дома, и завела инстаграм, чтобы отслеживать свой прогресс. Не удивительно, что профиль корпулентной Джессамин, любящей тренироваться в минимуме одежды, привлек много подписчиков (сейчас их число перевалило за 40 тысяч). Девушка выкладывает только те видео и фотографии, которые непосредственно связаны с йогой: никаких пёсиков, чашек кофе и встреч с подругами (если они не занимаются йогой вместе, конечно), — и, надо думать, вдохновляет многих людей заниматься спортом независимо от телосложения и внешности вообще. И это круто, ведь физическая активность нужна не для того, чтобы нравиться людям вокруг, а для хорошего самочувствия — это, в свою очередь, важно всем. 

Day 25 of #SizeDoesntMatter w/ me, @yoga_davina, & @nolatrees was #downdog tucks. I really need to work on these- Honestly, I'm always surprised when I kick into handstand- I have so many psychological issues surrounding my weak wrists that I usually hesitate before doing any pose that requires a lot of support from them. However, I don't think it's a bad thing to be cautious with sensitive body parts- I mean, it's not like there's a body emporium where we can easily pick up new parts. Song is Mos Def "Auditorium w/ The Ruler" LEGGINGS- @lineagewear ('SDM20' gets you 20% off your order!) Want To Participate? 1. Follow me (@mynameisjessamyn), @yoga_davina, @nolatrees & our lovely sponsors (@personalrecordofficial, @malabella_jewelry & @lineagewear) on Instagram. 2. Post a pic of yourself in the pose of the day- check @yoga_davina, @nolatrees & I for daily pose updates. Tag us & hashtag #sizedoesntmatter. 3. At the end of the month we’ll select a few of you to receive goodies from our generous sponsors- don’t forget to tag all your pictures w/ #sizedoesntmatter! (BTW, if you’re participating via tumblr, just tag your posts #sizedoesntmatter!)

A video posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Day 14 of #SizeDoesntmatter w/ me, @yoga_davina, & @nolatrees was #sirasana (#headstand). I need you guys to understand something- this is the first week I've seen substantial development in my free standing #inversion practice in MONTHS. I know it's mostly because I'm lazy and don't practice my #inversions as much as I should, but I can't deny that this week's practice poses have helped me make substantial improvement. I'm so stoked y'all- there are basically no words to describe it. I'm excited to see how my #forearmstand practice develops this week- check in with me throughout the week to see this week's poses! Song is Jay-Z ft. Pharrell "Excuse Me Miss". Leggings- @lineagewear Want To Participate? 1. Follow me (@mynameisjessamyn), @yoga_davina, @nolatrees & our lovely sponsors (@personalrecordofficial, @malabella_jewelry & @lineagewear) on Instagram. 2. Post a pic of yourself in the pose of the day- check @yoga_davina, @nolatrees & I for daily pose updates. Tag us & hashtag #sizedoesntmatter. 3. At the end of the month we’ll select a few of you to receive goodies from our generous sponsors- don’t forg

A video posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Day 27 of #SizeDoesntMatter is #PinchaMayurasana (#Forearmstand). When I first began practicing #inversions, I thought forearm stand seemed like a good place to start because of my weak wrists- as opposed to the intimidation of a full handstand, I thought a forearm balance would be a great jumping off point. Little did I know how long it would take me to finally get into this expression- months and months of core strengthening, as well as extended practice with blocks and straps. And I still spend quite a bit of time just hanging out in #dolphinpose, building the necessary strength to take this inversion away from the wall without splaying my arms and sinking into my midsection.. In the early days, I remember reading a blog entry by @colorsofapril about baby steps into this pose (link is on my Facebook) and she said that you might spend a while just practicing dolphin pose before pincha became accessible. I was like "oh, I've been practicing dolphin pose forever- this should be a snap!" Um....yeah, I was wrong about that one. #invertyoself #invertyocurves To participate: 1. Follow me, @yoga_davina & our lovely sponsors (@yogiblissbox, @buddha_pants, & @invertyoselfclothing) on instagram. 2. Post a pic of yourself in the pose of the day- check @yoga_davina & I for daily pose updates. Tag us & hashtag #sizedoesntmatter. 3. At the end of the month we'll select a few of you to receive goodies from our generous sponsors- don't forget to tag all your pictures w/ #sizedoesntmatter!

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

Day 6 of #FlowForAll w/ me, @nolatrees, and our awesome sponsors @fractal.9, @lineagewear, and @personalrecordofficial transitions from #uttanasana to a trio (or more) of #skandasana (#surferpose) and then switching on to your right hand for an IT band stretch. Move from that to #parsvottonasana and then repeat the sequence on the opposite side before moving into a vinyasa. I really like the unconventional sun salutations we're building, but don't be afraid to practice regular surya namaskara A & B this week as well so you have a really solid foundation before we move into next week's sequencing. By the way, a number of you have inquired about the software I use for video editing- I am not a fan of the video software on my cell phone, and I always end up shooting my videos with my canon powershot and editing with windows live movie maker. I never promote this process as it is time consuming and kind of dumb, but it's the best method for me right now. Maybe one of these days I'll get an iphone and stop dealing with this nonsense, but I kind of doubt it. You can watch the full length version of this flow on my youtube channel- link is in my IG header. Song is Ike and Tina Turner "Whole Lotta Love". Leggings- @lineagewear (THANK YOU KATIE I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE YOU) Top- @forever21 Mat- @MandukaYoga's Pro Black Quest Mat (I have way too much to say about this mat, but just know that it is SO. MOTHER. EFFING. AWESOME.) To Participate: 1. Post a video of you doing the flow of the day 2. Tag hosts @nolatrees and @mynameisjessamyn, and our lovely sponsors @fractal.9, @lineagewear, @personalrecordofficial 3. at the end of the month we will have put together a flow you can play with at home!

A video posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

I know we all "know" yoga is about more than asana practice, but it wasn't until I spent an entire #savasana (#corpsepose) in a complete emotional meltdown that I actually realized the real gifts of my practice. And when I say emotional meltdown, I mean MELTDOWN- I'm talking sobbing, sniffling, snot rolling down my face, the works. I don't know if it's the intensive nature of teacher training, but all of the emotions I've been stockpiling over the past 27 years are finally coming to the surface. It's ironic because while I'm SO not the crying or hugging type, this week has been characterized by more crazy intense hugging and crying than ever in my entire life. And for once, I'm trying to be open to tears and hugs, without belittling them with my trademark knee jerk cynicism. Thank god, right? I mean, how are we supposed to live with all of these emotions bottled up inside? Furthermore, how am I supposed to be an emotionally supportive #yoga teacher if I can't even deal with the darkness and light inside myself? I know this topic is probably a little dark for the typically 'bright and happy' world of instagram yoga, but I'm glad. It's completely unrealistic for yoga practitioners to hold themselves to ridiculous standards of happiness and beauty. No one's life is really like that, and I think pretending otherwise is inauthentic. In my opinion, it belittles the true reasons we all continue to practice. I can only speak for myself, but the daily pursuit of balance is just that- a DAILY pursuit. Life never stops ebbing and flowing- we just find better ways to deal with our knee jerk reactions. Photo by my incredible little brother, Gabriel- I was blessed to spend the afternoon inverting with him and it was just the emotional medicine I needed. Bodysuit by @chubbycartwheels #invertyoself #invertyocurves #inversion #headstand #split #hanumanasana

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on

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